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Health Hub’s
CEE Policy Summit
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CEE Policy Summit

Predstavljen je novi korporativni identitet tvornice lijekova Belupo iz sastava Podravka Grupe, a kojeg je izradila agencija Buketa&Žinić&Grey. Na dizajnu loga kompanije, ali i čitavoj priči oko novog identiteta radili su u poznatoj zagrebačkoj ageniciji Bruketa&Žinić&Grey, uz djelatnike Belupa i Podravke

Recognizing the significant differences in immunization statistics against threatening respiratory infections between Eastern and Western European countries, along with existing challenges in access to innovations, availability of healthcare professionals, treatment outcomes, and increased mortality, Health Hub, as a regional healthcare think tank, in partnership with leading health institutions and speakers

The UN's "Pact for the Future" can be strongly linked to immunization policies through its overarching goals of universal health coverage (UHC), pandemic preparedness, equity, and global health system strengthening. Health Hub describes how the Pact supports and aligns with immunization policies

Health Hub je okupio međunarodne i nacionalne stručnjake kako bi raspravljali o jednom od najvažnijih globalnih prioriteta našeg vremena – imunizacijskoj strategiji i zaštiti javnog zdravlja do 2030., povodom globalne inicijative UN-a „Pakt za budućnost“ te Europske zdravstvene unije Europske komisije. Health Hub-ov Policy Summit „Boosting Vaccine Confidence & Vaccines

Health Hub’s CEE Policy Summit “BOOSTING VACCINE CONFIDENCE & UPTAKE FOR #NextGenEU”, supporting UN’s Pact for the Future, we are giving a reflection on health policies for boosting vaccine confidence and uptake in the European Union, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Check out the agenda and Zoom link to attend

Respiratory infections (influenza, RSV, pneumococcal disease, pertussis, COVID-19 etc.) season is always timing to raise awareness on importance of prevention and timely protection, specially of high risk patients, to reduce complications and burden of disease from clinical, human and economical point of view. On the occasion of Health Hub's CEE

Predstavljen je novi korporativni identitet tvornice lijekova Belupo iz sastava Podravka Grupe, a kojeg je izradila agencija Buketa&Žinić&Grey. Na dizajnu loga kompanije, ali i čitavoj priči oko novog identiteta radili su u poznatoj zagrebačkoj ageniciji Bruketa&Žinić&Grey, uz djelatnike Belupa i Podravke

Recognizing the significant differences in immunization statistics against threatening respiratory infections between Eastern and Western European countries, along with existing challenges in access to innovations, availability of healthcare professionals, treatment outcomes, and increased mortality, Health Hub, as a regional healthcare think tank, in partnership with leading health institutions and speakers

The UN's "Pact for the Future" can be strongly linked to immunization policies through its overarching goals of universal health coverage (UHC), pandemic preparedness, equity, and global health system strengthening. Health Hub describes how the Pact supports and aligns with immunization policies

Health Hub je okupio međunarodne i nacionalne stručnjake kako bi raspravljali o jednom od najvažnijih globalnih prioriteta našeg vremena – imunizacijskoj strategiji i zaštiti javnog zdravlja do 2030., povodom globalne inicijative UN-a „Pakt za budućnost“ te Europske zdravstvene unije Europske komisije. Health Hub-ov Policy Summit „Boosting Vaccine Confidence & Vaccines

Health Hub’s CEE Policy Summit “BOOSTING VACCINE CONFIDENCE & UPTAKE FOR #NextGenEU”, supporting UN’s Pact for the Future, we are giving a reflection on health policies for boosting vaccine confidence and uptake in the European Union, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Check out the agenda and Zoom link to attend

Respiratory infections (influenza, RSV, pneumococcal disease, pertussis, COVID-19 etc.) season is always timing to raise awareness on importance of prevention and timely protection, specially of high risk patients, to reduce complications and burden of disease from clinical, human and economical point of view. On the occasion of Health Hub's CEE

ONKOLOŠKE MEDICINSKE SESTRE - ``Navigacija`` skrbi, put pacijenta i bolji ishodi liječenja

JGL je u Opatiji okupio 30 europskih kliničkih centara iz 4 države za treću fazu kliničkog ispitivanja! Studija ovakvog obima i važnosti po prvi se puta vodi i financira iz Hrvatske, što predstavlja povijesni uspjeh JGL-a i značajan iskorak u znanstveno-inovacijskom ekosustavu ove kompanije, ali i hrvatske farmaceutske industrije